Cape Town Wedding Photographer | Eric Uys | Blog » Artistic Wedding Photographer based in Cape Town

Tag Archives: Stellenbosch

What a magical wedding! There were so many amazing photos I just could not limit myself to a few images. It was truly hard to make these selections hence why I havn’t posted anything in a while. As always I’ll leave it to the experts and let the images to the talking 🙂 Venue: Vrede […]

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  • July 12, 2013 - 08:41

    Kat de Sarigny - Stunning work as always!! Love!!!

My recent workshop went extremely well and it was a huge success. I have had some amazing feedback and it makes me really glad to know that I was able to rely difficult flash technology in one day. We had a great location, amazing dresses and a gorgeous model which just all added up for […]

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  • March 1, 2012 - 00:28

    claire gunn - Beautiful pictures Eric. So inspiring. I really hope to be able to attend your next workshop>

  • February 23, 2012 - 12:09

    nastassja harvey - awesome workshop, stunning images, en een ongelooflike mooi model 🙂

A Jewish wedding isn’t really a wedding, it’s more of a celebration with loads of fun and awesome dancing! I just could not wait to get some pics out onto my blog, hope you enjoy. (These are more of an off-beat look at it) I was the second photographer on this wedding, main photographer was […]

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  • January 8, 2012 - 07:49

    Annemari - Awesome awesome images!

My derde troue by Knorhoek, Towerbosch en elke keer verander die plek en dis altyd vrek warm daar! Ek moes ongelukkig hond siek die troue aanpak, sinus het my getref die vorige dag en op hulle trou dag was my stem amper weg, eintlik eers teen 9pm was my stem weg en dit was so […]

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  • November 23, 2011 - 11:59

    Maudè Strydom - Beautiful!!! Kan rerig nie wag vir die res nie.

  • November 22, 2011 - 22:58

    nastassja harvey - een van my favourite stel fotos van jou werk eric – awesome verby.

  • November 22, 2011 - 08:49

    Charl Strydom - Die verskeidenheid van fotos is presies wat ons op gebargain het. Dankie baie

  • November 21, 2011 - 20:03

    Eric - Hey Giz, baie dankie, ek recuperate lekker 🙂 geniet julle trip! Ek sal n album op fb maak dan kan die mense sommer tag speel ook. Dankie Johan!

  • November 21, 2011 - 17:36

    Johan Badenhorst - Eric,

    Jy slaag besonder goed daarin om die mood vas te vat, bv. die besige eetkamer waar almal gelyk alles op dieselfde plek wou doen en een ou ballie wat net staan en wonder wat nou hier aangaan?!

    Ons sien geweldig uit na die res!


  • November 21, 2011 - 16:35

    Gisela - Wow! Wow! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Jy is so talented! En dit as jy siek is ook nog! Ons KAN NIE WAG vir die res nie!!!!!

    Dankie dankie dankie!!!

    Giz & Karel

These two lovely cats got married over at Eaglevlei Estate. Maryke’s dad is stationed in Afghanistan fighting for justice, so a big ‘whoo-haa’ to him and his boys! Be sure to click the link at the end of the post to view more images from this fun wedding! They got married in the Durbanville NG […]

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  • June 22, 2011 - 22:40

    Eric - Baie dankie father of the bride 🙂 dis n groot plesier!

  • June 22, 2011 - 17:12

    Maryke - Wow Eric, waar begin ‘n mens om dankie te se!!! Dit is ongelooflik!!

  • June 22, 2011 - 16:52

    Charles Wroth Snr - Eric – dit was vir my en ons, ‘n asemrowende troue en jy het dit “ge-capture” vir altyd. Miljoen dankies en die fotos is “exceeding all my expectations”.Weereens Dankie, Groete uit Kabul, AFG ……… the father of the Bride!

  • June 22, 2011 - 16:20

    Gabby - I LOVE IT!!Wish you both a beautiful life together filled with love and happiness,


  • June 22, 2011 - 16:18

    Gabby - I LOVE IT!!!!!Wish you both a beautiful life together filled with love and happiness!


  • June 22, 2011 - 16:09

    Selma - Stunning shots, Eric! …and what a small world…Charlie stays 2 doors away from us 😉

So decided to do a nice feature of a wedding I shot earlier this year on their blog, Real Weddings – Colin and Bettina. Thanks to the gals from Junebug for believing in my work, big hugs all around. (Although, looking at my interview I can’t help but wonder what medication I was taking […]

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For those of you following my blog, apologies for being late with posts. I have a busy month and a half. March was just a busy wedding time this year! Also I flew over to the UK to shoot a wedding there in April, got back just before the Royal Wedding and had to deal […]

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  • May 6, 2011 - 11:22

    Stephne - Love dit!!! Julle fotos is so pragtig!! So sad ons kon nie daar wees nie.

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